Teresa Tomeo is a bestselling author, syndicated Catholic talk show host, and speaker with more than 30 years of experience in print and broadcast media. Her weekday radio program, Catholic Connection, a co-production of Ave Maria Radio and EWTN, the global Catholic radio network, is heard daily on over 500 stations worldwide, and SiriusXM Satellite Radio. Her TV show, The Catholic View for Women, is seen twice weekly on EWTN.
Tomeo is a columnist and special correspondent for OSV Newsweekly. She has been featured on The O’Reilly Factor, Fox News, Fox and Friends, MSNBC, and the Dr. Laura Show. Tomeo also hosts a monthly webinar, Catholic Leaders Webinar Series: Media Matters, produced by Our Sunday Visitor.
As an international speaker, Tomeo addresses media awareness and activism, as well as sharing her reversion to the Catholic Church. She and her husband, Deacon Dom Pastore, lead pilgrimages to Rome and other parts of Italy for married couples.